Saturday, 25 June 2011

My first film

Hi! This is my first 15:34 min video! I can't post it on YouTube but I really want people to see it. So I decided to put my video on my blog. I also got new sunglasses with my token! Please watch my video! I know it isn't perfect, it's just that it's my first.

And no video can be perfect. Well I guess some are. It's your choice to choose what's perfect for you! I know the video words are blurry and you can't really see them. I don't know what happened. I could see te spelling before.

Well here's me at the sunny pet farm with my sunglasses:
I look better with my sunglasses on. You don't have to watch my whole video if you don't want too. I do think it's pretty long myself. I'll make another that's below 15:00 mins so I can post it on Youtube. I just love that song:

Till The World Ends Britney Spears.

You can pause my video and watch it later. Or if you wanna continue it some other day, write down my blog name, what minutes you were at, and then continue my video some other day.

I used a stand to put the webcam on. I used it from my Telescope. I have no idea why my video is on fast mode and why my video is blurry. I remember it wasn't on fast mode. Oh well. A video's a video.

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