Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Hi its me agin! Well here is a special shout-out going to DekoFox! Here we're dancing at her ''disco place''. She's really nice, just like Sweets*! She's also a new writer on Glitter Pico so lets try to welcome her as much as we can.

I hope you have an awesome time at Glitter Pico Dekofox! Also thank you for being a great friend! I was in my room not knowing what to do, when I saw DekoFox coming on! I quickly went to her.

We talked aobut nice things like ''I love your clothes'' and ''thank you :)''. So then I got to the point talking about my new blog, Glitter Pico! Then she asked me to give her the link so I did.

Then after she looked at my blog, she asked if she can write. I said ''sure!'' so I added her. Well thats only a short story. I just love going back to Pico to continue those memories and meet my friends again!

Thanks DekoFox for being so nice on my second visit after I said I can't break your hearts so I'm coming back!

Love, Hugs, Peace
    -Damina and DekoFox

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